2024 LPS Pump Priming Preservation Grants AMERICA’S ROUTES works to promote citizen valuing and consequent preservation of Loudoun’s rural and dirt road network. This pump-priming preservation grant is to assist with website redesign and mission refresh working with a mission and messaging expert. The grant will partially pay for a website technical work and for s social media relaunch. Relevant to which of our 4 standards: #3 [Publication or online posting of historical, architectural, or archaeological research of a particular structure, property, site, district, community, or transportation feature important...
Washington Post, February 7, 2024 By Justin Jouvenal, Bonnie Jo Mount and Jayne Orenstein An unorthodox bid to preserve one of the last bastions of country life in the D.C. area is dividing residents. Some say protecting Loudoun’s gravel roads will ensure that its rustic soul and charm survive a suburban onslaught. But not everyone wants to go along for the ride. Allen Cochran shouts “Here we go!” and the sheep skitter from a weathered gray barn, bounding into golden afternoon light on a mile-long journey to pasture. Their beating...
HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANTS TO BE AWARDED BY LOUDOUN PRESERVATION SOCIETY SEPTEMBER 21st. Six 2023 historic preservation grants will be awarded on September 21st at the Annual Loudoun Preservation Society Grant Awards working in partnership with the County of Loudoun and the Towns of Leesburg, Middleburg, and Purcellville to celebrate Historic Preservation Week. The evening event will be held at Sylvanside Farm south of Purcellville. Loudoun County is rich in its historic landscape preserved through the determined efforts of individuals, local non-profits, and local governments beginning in the late 1930s. These...
Eight historic preservation grants will be awarded on September 22nd at the Annual Loudoun Preservation Society Grant Awards working in partnership with the County of Loudoun and the Towns of Leesburg, Middleburg, and Purcellville to celebrate Historic Preservation Week. The evening event will be held at Kalero Vineyards west of Hillsboro. Part of two heritage areas—Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area and the federal Journey Through Hallowed Ground—Loudoun County is rich in its historic landscape, preserved and stewarded by individuals, local non-profits, and local governments beginning in the late 1930s. These preservation...
Our 2022 Grant Cycle has been extended to July 15, 2022. Now is the time to apply for a grant for your historic preservation project! APPLY HERE
The Loudoun Preservation Society is now accepting applications for the 2021 grant awards. See the Middleburg Eccentric press release (page 8): https://issuu.com/middleburgeccentric/docs/eccentric_04_21a Apply for grants by June 30, 2021: https://preserveloudoun.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021-PRESERVATION-Grant-Application-COVER-SHEET-and-FORMAT-2.pdf
A new exhibit featuring items preserved through the generosity of Loudoun Preservation Society is now on display at Thomas Balch Library. The society is a volunteer organization with a mission to preserve and promote historic Loudoun County. Through grants, they are able to help nonprofit groups and entities with historic preservation and education. The exhibit will be available to view, by appointment only, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1 to 3 p.m., through May 25, 2021. Please call 703-737-7195, email balchlib@leesburgva.gov, or fill out an appointment...
Hello Loudoun Preservationists, Twenty something years ago, my company was hired to remove a barn and selective house components from a family farm in what was then referred to as western Fairfax County. This farm had been in my client’s family for over 200 years, his ancestors had immigrated from England and built a new life in Virginia. The farm was passed down from generation to generation and finally to my client, one of the last farms in Fairfax County. Faced with urban congestion, uncompetitive farming, high taxes and land...
Thank you, Reg, for your 20 (plus) years of service to the Loudoun Preservation Society!