2024 LPS Pump Priming Preservation Grants
AMERICA’S ROUTES works to promote citizen valuing and consequent preservation of Loudoun’s rural and dirt road network. This pump-priming preservation grant is to assist with website redesign and mission refresh working with a mission and messaging expert. The grant will partially pay for a website technical work and for s social media relaunch.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards: #3 [Publication or online posting of historical, architectural, or archaeological research of a particular structure, property, site, district, community, or transportation feature important to Loudoun’s historical landscape if the publication may enhance its appreciation and further encourage historic preservation in the county.]
Grant: $2,050.
LUCKETTS RURITAN works on a variety of Lucketts-area projects to better the community. This pump-priming preservation grant is to help with restoration of 100 ft. of the Old Carolina Road on the Lucketts Community Center property with appropriate interpretive signage. The project involves overgrowth clearance, minor stone wall repair, and interpretive sign creation. This location is where the Old Carolina Road turned east to Noland’s Ferry, the most significant crossing point of the Potomac to head north into Maryland and on towards Philadelphia. During the Revolution, both British prisoners captured at Saratoga (1777) and American General Anthony Wayne’s troops on the way to Assist Lafayette (1781) marched on this piece of road.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards? #1 [restoration of historic structures or other built features].
Grant: $2,500
The MARSHALL CENTER AT DODONA MANOR works to preserve the home and legacy of General George C. Marshall, America’s top general in World War II and later Secretary of State and author of the Marshall Plan. This pump-priming preservation grant will help with restoration of the roof of Dodona Manor’s stone patio that nudges into the famed rose garden. To provide shade, General and Mrs. Marshall added wooden roof supports with a trellis over which the roses grew. Through time, the wooden posts and trellis have become rotted. Avid gardeners and entertainers, this patio was the Marshalls’ favorite place to sit in summer.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards? #1 [restoration of historic structures or other built features]
Grant: $2,500
The METROPOLITAN LODGE NO. 161, VIRGINIA FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS of LEESBURG owns and meets in the Former Zion Baptist Church and school, built early in Reconstruction on Liberty Street in 1866-67. This historic building on Liberty Street in Leesburg was one of the first churches in Loudoun built by freedmen after the Civil War. It was used until the early 1950s when it became an African-American masonic hall. This pump-priming grant will help to replace eight currently plywood-covered windows with historically appropriate ones approved by the Leesburg Board of Architectural Review.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards? #1 [restoration of historic structures or other built features]
Grant: $2,500
OATLANDS was once Loudoun’s largest plantation belonging to George Carter and later, his wife Elizabeth. The historic buildings and grounds serve as an architectural and historical treasure and are now administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. As part of the historical interpretation of the enslaved people who once worked Oatlands plantation, an exhibit has been created with a National Trust for Historic Preservation grant in one of the garden dependencies. It is known as “Reclaim Your Story”. This Loudoun Preservation Society Pump Priming grant will help to update and print materials for visitors to take with them that pertain to the exhibit. These include a brochure, a bookmark, and two single-sheet handouts.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards? ##3 [Publication or online posting of historical, architectural, or archaeological research of a particular structure, property, site, district, community, or transportation feature important to Loudoun’s historical landscape if the publication may enhance its appreciation and further encourage historic preservation in the county.]
Grant: $500
The VIRGINIA PIEDMONT HERITAGE AREA is a state-designated heritage area that covers a 1,800-square-mile region in the northern Piedmont and Lower Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, encompassing Loudoun, Clarke, Fauquier, Warren, and western Prince William counties. The Heritage Area seeks to preserve this unique cultural, historical, and geographical resource by promoting awareness, appreciation, and future stewardship. This LPS Pump-Priming Preservation grant will help reprint
the Loudoun County Scavenger Hunt which is distributed to students—whenever a program is brought to the class-room or students are brought on site.
Relevant to which of our 4 standards? #4 [implementation of a school or public program to promote appreciation of Loudoun’s historic built landscape]
Grant: $400